Your Invitation to a Once-in-a-Century Event

By Amy Lohmolder

One hundred years ago, On November 22, 1913 our Ravinia predecessors proudly “lit a fire” dedicating a civic center that would become a wellspring of creativity, service and Ravinia community for decades to come. On Friday, November 22, 2013, exactly 100 years to the date, Ravinia Neighbors Association, in cooperation with the Highland Park Historical Society and the Highland Park Woman’s Club, will host the “Ravinia Village House Centennial Celebration” in commemoration of the christening of the village house and the remarkable era it ushered in.

Those who attend will hear the story of how the village house came to be as well as the great achievements to which early Ravinia inhabitants dedicated themselves. Audience members might be surprised to learn of how significant an impact the village house had in the development of the Ravinia we know and love today. In the spirit of the artistic bent community founders so profusely displayed in many of their productions, our celebration will incorporate live music, dance, poetry and drama as well as lecture. Our show will be informative, entertaining and inclusive. Audience members will have an opportunity to join in from the comfort of their seats, singing along to familiar tunes for which our Ravinia forebears penned their own unique words, words which were fortunately preserved, originally by the Ravinia Woman’s Club, and later, by the Historic Society of Highland Park. Lend us your voice and help bring these words and the music back to life!

An additional way RNA members and area residents may choose to participate is to enter Highland Park Poetry’s contest to find an original poem that best reflects the spirit of the occasion. Those wishing to enter should visit for details. The winning entrant will receive $50 and will perform the poem on stage for audience members.

Other performances will include: a dance performance by Ballet Makkai Youth Company, a presentation by Highland Park Historical Society archivist, Nancy Webster, a slide presentation by local historian Julia Johnas, “The Ballad of the Ravinia Villagers” presented by event chair, Amy Lohmolder, an original dramatization by Betsy Means Wills of WomanLore and village house tours to be given by local historian Elliot Miller. Violinist extraordinaire, Gerry Field will supply music throughout and Ravinia’s very favorite accordion player, Linda Iovino will serve as our leader in spirited song. A special surprise guest and crowning touch will cap the evening.

We cordially invite all RNA members to be a part of this celebration. Each member family may claim two free tickets by emailing Please put “Village House Ticket Request” in the subject line. Additional tickets may be purchased at the door for $10 each. Highland Park school children, K-12 may attend free of charge. In keeping with village house tradition, proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to benefit Ravinia School and North Shore School District 112.

The story of our Ravinia forbearers and all they did is an uplifting one as well as an inspiration for the times in which we currently live. We hope our members will partake of this opportunity to find out more about the village many of us call home and the proud heritage that has been left to all who join in the furthering of Ravinia Community. The event is to be held at the Ravinia School Gymnasium from 7:30 to 9:00 pm on November 22nd. Please join us!


History of Ravinia School, Part 2: The First School House, 1897-1913


A New Look for an Old House