Board & Governance
Who We Are
Ravinia Neighbors Association, is a non-profit organization, devoted to preserving the unique character of the special Midwestern treasure we call Ravinia.
First established in 1998, as neighbors sought to set parameters for the emergence of a national chain store within the shopping district, RNA continues to engage with business district issues and has broadened our agenda as necessary to meet the ongoing and evolving needs of Ravinia neighbors. RNA seeks to provide the means for the people of the Ravinia village and neighborhood to come together to interact amongst themselves and with governmental, cultural, and business institutions such that our neighborhood be kept a vibrant and beautiful community within the cherished and naturally rich setting we've inherited.
We invite all who care to learn more or to contribute to our efforts to attend one of our monthly meetings.
Governing Board
Noah Plotkin
Ed Kugler
Publicity & Membership Director
Doug Purington
Recording Secretary
Beth Grey
Michael Babian
Board Member At-Large
Jeff Cohen
Board Member At-Large
Jeff Levin
Board Member At-Large
John (JB) Schuck
Board Member At-Large
Jeff Stern
Board Member At-Large
Brett Tolpin
Board Member At-Large
Bonnie Wegner